Angela (Carpenter) Foisy
Office: (208) 883-1525
Cell: (208) 669-1626
[email protected]
What characteristic do you find most important in your real estate agent? Ask someone who has bought or sold before and they may say “good communication”. Good communication is at the center of any successful venture, and is a top priority for Angela Foisy. An experienced Top Producer, Angela keeps in frequent contact with her clients, pays attention to the details and has an intuitive understanding of the market. Knowing what is important to each buyer or seller is an integral part of reaching their goals. Angela’s degree in Marketing, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Idaho in 1997, and her strong relationships throughout the community enhance her ability to be an excellent agent for her clients. Always an optimist, Angela can help her clients to see potential and overcome obstacles. Her experience, work ethic, marketing skills and professionalism culminate into results for those she works with. An advocate for excellent customer service, Angela assists her buyers and sellers with a light-hearted attitude and a smile.